Be the Church

Free 38-page booklet download

Be the Church
Stop settling for “going to church” when God has called you to “be the Church.”
by Steve Highlander

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In this message-length booklet, Steve looks at the difference between GOING to church and BEING the Church. The Greek word for “church” is “ecclesia” and it means “called out ones.” The church is not an organization, program, or building. The Church is always the people called out of one thing into another thing. You will discover five areas every genuine Christian is called out of and into and learn how to apply them to your life.

  1. You are called out of death into life.
  2. You are called out of darkness into light.
  3. You are called out of sin into obedience.
  4. You are called out of the world into the Body of Christ.
  5. You are called out the kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Chrsit.






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