The Book Shelf 
“The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences.”
-Carl Frederick
This page contains books written by Steve Highlander. Some of them are full-length books and others are shorter message-length booklets. All of the books on this page are formatted in eBook versions and are all free. Some of the books are available paperback or Kindle eBook version from Amazon. Links to Amazon are provided when available. As always, please feel free to contact me with comments or questions about any of my materials.
Test the Spirits – by Steve Highlander – 338 pages
The world in which we live is rapidly changing. The Bible said the time would come when people would call good evil and evil good. We are there. The church is being impacted by an onslaught of voices all saying different things. The authenticity and authority of the Bible are not only being questioned but ridiculed, often by people who claim to be Christian.
Test the Spirits is based on the apostle John’s admonition in 1 John 4:1: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” CONTINUE READING AN OVERVIEW
Download the FREE eBOOK for a limited time (nicely formated PDF – readable on any computer, device, or e-reader.) Click Here to Download the eBook version: Test The Spirits – ebook 5×8
Purchase the paperback or .epub editions on CLICK HERE to visit the Amazon page.
Test the Spirits – by Steve Highlander – 141 pages
Four Anointings Every Church Should Have looked at the three anointings God ordained to manage His Kingdom in the Old Testament and how they transfer to the New Testament Church in the function of the Five-Fold Ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. When these five ministries are operating properly in the local assembly there is a fourth anointing — a corporate anointing — released on the congregation.
Steve also looks at the three spiritual gift sets and how each Christian has one or more gifting of each of the three sets: Motivational Gifts in Romans chapter 12, Charismatic Gifts in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, and Five-Fold ministry gifts in Ephesians chapter 4.
Download the FREE eBOOK for a limited time (nicely formated PDF – readable on any computer, device, or e-reader.) Click Here to Download the eBook version: The Four Anointings eBook
Or click here to buy a paperback print edition or .mobi eBook format on Amazon
See all of Steve’s FREE teaching booklets here