Steve’s Free Book – Four Anointings Every Church Should Have

In Four Anointings Every Church Should Have, Steve examines the three Old Testament anointings of Prophet, Priest, and King.  He shows how they translate into the New Testament version of the Kingdom and find their fulfillment in the anointings of the five-fold ministry found in Ephesians chapter four: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelists, Pastor, and Teacher.   What happens when these anointings are active in a church?  What happens when they are not? You can begin to see why certain churches struggle in one area or another. Steve provides encouragement and instruction on establishing the gifts of the Spirit and the Body of Christ in the local assembly.  He with an overview of church government, elders, and deacons. The book is free to download in PDF or you can purchase it for Kindle on Amazon. Click here to download a nicely formatted free PDF version>>>>


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